The story of Golondrinas holds as much past as it does a future. Our story dates back to the late 1800s, during a time where Spain was in the process of transitioning between governments and in the midst of a revolution.PascualLesea, a well-to-do young gentleman from Basque Country in Spain, packed his belongings and sought refuge and peace in the region of Northern Mexico, where he was surrounded by vast and handsome pastures, with good grass for cattle, and a promise for a better tomorrow; everything he could only dream of in his native land of Spain. Henceforth, this land he acquired was named “Golondrinas,” after the name of the native bird (Barn swallow) that inhabited the region. In literature, the Golondrinas symbolizes the coming of spring, where the future is yet to be written and life begins once more.
This land being so conducive to the raising of cattle, Lesea decided to use his new acquisition to raise and breed bulls for the purpose of using them in bullfights, a festivity he was well-accustomed to in Spain. Thereafter, Golondrinas grew into one of the most renowned breeding facilities for bulls in this sport, where it still remains to date.
The use of a horse for the systematic raising of cattle at this scale is not only essential but also necessary. It is a practice, as old as civilization itself, to have been found in the working fields of Spain and Portugal. In our search to find the most suitable horse to meet our standards and requirements, we chose the Lusitano breed, for it greatly surpassed all our expectations. For Golondrinas, this inclusion to the story came naturally. We believe them to hold the best characteristics one can ask for in a breed. Its speed, having famed to be derived from the wind itself, and its courage, in the face of danger, is only justified by the words of poets. As ArsenioRaposoCordeiro, a most notable influence for the Lusitano breed, eloquently put it in his published work, Son of the Wind,
His mental and physical features, quite superior to those of any other breed, allow a special understanding and empathy between horse and rider. The Lusitano Horse is, with the wild bull, a living treasure…
With its rich history in Portugal as a bullfighting horse, it is no surprise the Lusitano possessed these unique qualities. It was then that we decided to breed Lusitanos in the same pastures and with the same dedication and knowledge we have acquired for more than a century.